GPT-4 made me a GPT powered movie search app

TLDR: I built a semantic movie search app with GPT-4. You can check it out here: And here’s the Github repo: the hero keeps forgetting who he is Idea I’ve been thinking a lot about potential products that one can build around LLMs. One idea I mentioned jokingly to some friends was to use GPT as a natural language interface to a movies API. In theory, I thought, you could ask GPT about movies semantically, meaning you could search based on what the movie is about or its content, instead of just raw keyword search....

March 29, 2023 · 8 min · 1552 words · Tenzin Wangdhen

Book Review - Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise

TLDR “Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise” by Anders Ericsson challenges conventional wisdom about talent, skill acquisition, and what it takes to achieve true expertise. Ericsson, a psychologist and researcher in the field of expertise, highlights several experiments to back up his claims, although some of the cited studies had small sample sizes. Despite containing some contradictions, the book offers a fascinating exploration of the science of expertise and empowers readers to pursue their path to mastery....

March 18, 2023 · 7 min · 1326 words · Tenzin Wangdhen

Augmenting Human Intelligence With AI

TLDR I created SocratesGPT to test the concept of using AI to generate questions about a given topic. Its goal you learn topics better by asking you questions about it. I also provide some technical details on the implementation. Why? Over a year ago, I began using Anki, a spaced repetition flashcard app that helps me retain information over the long term by taking advantage of the Ebbinghaus forgetting curve. Memory is like a leaky bucket, and it was incredibly frustrating to realize I’d forgotten most of what I learned....

March 7, 2023 · 9 min · 1733 words · Tenzin Wangdhen