Willpower and the Brain

Regardless of your views on David Goggins, it’s undeniable that he possesses an extraordinary level of persistence and willpower. Not only did he complete the grueling BUDS training for the Navy Seals three times, but he also finished US Army Ranger School and Air Force Tactical Air Controller training. He set a world record by completing 4,030 pull-ups in just 17 hours. Beyond that, he has finished over 60 ultra-marathons, triathlons, and ultra-triathlons....

April 7, 2024 · 5 min · 987 words · Tenzin Wangdhen

Book Review - Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise

TLDR “Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise” by Anders Ericsson challenges conventional wisdom about talent, skill acquisition, and what it takes to achieve true expertise. Ericsson, a psychologist and researcher in the field of expertise, highlights several experiments to back up his claims, although some of the cited studies had small sample sizes. Despite containing some contradictions, the book offers a fascinating exploration of the science of expertise and empowers readers to pursue their path to mastery....

March 18, 2023 · 7 min · 1326 words · Tenzin Wangdhen